Tasquinimod is a second-generation quinoline-3-carboxamide, small-molecule compound, being developed by Active Biotech for the treatment of multiple myeloma.


Tasquinimod has anti-angiogenic, antitumor and immune-modulatory properties. It shows consistent anti-angiogenic activity in vitro at doses between 10-50 μM. The mechanism of action of tasquinimod is not clear but may involve inhibition of MDSC action,

Isaacs et al. Oncotarget, 2014;5:8093 Tasquinimod is an orally administered quinoline-3-carboxamide with potent antiangiogenic and antitumorigenic ability that has shown promise in the treatment of advanced prostate cancers [1].Treatment with tasquinimod leads to a remarkable up-regulation in Tasquinimod is an orally active antiangiogenic agent by allosterically inhibiting HDAC4 signalling. Tasquinimod is a novel antitumor agent that is currently at an advanced stage of clinical development for treatment of castration-resistant prostate cancer. A target of tasquinimod is the inflammatory protein S100A9, which has been demonstrated to affect the accumulation and function of tumor-suppressive myeloid cells. Tasquinimod Accession Number DB05861 Description. The quinoline-3-carboxamide anti-angiogenic agent, tasquinimod, enhances the anti-prostate cancer efficacy of androgen ablation and taxotere without effecting serum PSA directly in human xenografts. Type Small Molecule Groups Investigational Structure Tasquinimod is a second-generation quinoline-3-carboxamide, small-molecule compound, being developed by Active Biotech for the treatment of multiple myeloma.

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IC 50 & Target. 2020-08-03 08:54. Forskningsbolaget Active Biotech meddelar att den första patienten har doserats i fas 1b/2a-studien med tasquinimod vid behandling för återkommande eller refraktärt multipelt myelom. Det framgår av ett pressmeddelande. Studien, som är planerad att rekrytera upp till 54 patienter, kommer att fastställa maximalt tolererad dos av Tasquinimod är en oral immunmodulerande och anti-angiogen substans som påverkar tumörens förmåga att växa och metastasera. Tasquinimod utvecklas som en ny immunmodulerande behandling för Tasquinimod is an orally active antiangiogenic agent by allosterically inhibiting HDAC4 signalling. Tasquinimod(ABR-215050) is a quinoline-3-carboxamide linomide analogue with antiangiogenic and potential antineoplastic activities.

Tasquinimod is a quinoline-3-carboxamide linomide analogue with antiangiogenic and potential antineoplastic activities. Tasquinimod has been shown to decrease blood vessel density but the exact mechanism of action is not known.

Researchers believe that tasquinimod fits an unmet need in the multiple myeloma community who need a wider array of safe and effective treatment options. Tasquinimod is a novel small molecule that targets the tumor microenvironment by binding to S100A9 and modulating regulatory myeloid cell functions, exerting immunomodulatory, anti-angiogenic and anti-metastatic properties.


Lund den 23 mars 2016 - Active Biotech (Nasdaq Stockholm: ACTI) meddelar idag att en patentansökan för behandling av multipelt myelom med bolagets substans tasquinimod, tillsammans med en så


Tasquinimod (ABR-215050) is an orally active antiangiogenic agent by allosterically inhibiting HDAC4 signalling. Phase 3. Quality confirmed by NMR & HPLC.


Tasquinimod is a novel antitumor agent that is currently at an advanced stage of clinical development for treatment of castration-resistant prostate cancer. A target of tasquinimod is the inflammatory protein S100A9, which has been demonstrated to affect the accumulation and function of tumor-suppressive myeloid cells. Tasquinimod (ABR-215050, Active Biotech, Lund, Sweden) is an investigational drug that binds the S100A9 protein and inhibits the interactions with its receptors.
Carina aro

Ipsen överlevnadsdata från fas 2-studien med tasquinimod på. den vetenskapliga kongressen ”2012 ASCO Annual Meeting”.

ICH GCP. Tasquinimod inhibits prostate cancer growth in bone through alterations in the bone microenvironment. Magnusson LU, Hagberg Thulin M,  Denna randomiserade fas II-studie studerar hur bra sipuleucel-T med eller utan tasquinimod arbetar med att behandla patienter med hormonresistent  Dagens fokus kommer att vara på bolagets nya inriktning med betoning på de helägda projekten tasquinimod och laquinimod.
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Tasquinimod is an orally administered quinoline-3-carboxamide with potent antiangiogenic and antitumorigenic ability that has shown promise in the treatment 

Isaacs JT, Antony L, Dalrymple SL et al. Cancer Res. Anti-cancer potency of Tasquinimod is enhanced via albumin-binding facilitating increased uptake in the tumor microenvironment. Isaacs et al.

av C Cheng · 2021 — We also showed that the HDAC4 inhibitor tasquinimod suppresses tumor growth in NPC. Thus, HDAC4 may be a potential diagnostic marker 

5 Nov 2020 Tasquinimod (TASQ) is an investigational drug that targets MDSCs via the S100A9 protein. In pre-clinical models of MM, TASQ has significant  21 Feb 2021 The quinoline-3-carboxamide anti-angiogenic agent, tasquinimod, enhances the anti-prostate cancer efficacy of androgen ablation and  The US FDA, in April 2017, granted the Orphan Drug Designation for tasquinimod, for the treatment of multiple myeloma . Prostate cancer.

Tasquinimod utvecklas som en ny immunmodulerande behandling för Tasquinimod is an orally active antiangiogenic agent by allosterically inhibiting HDAC4 signalling. Tasquinimod(ABR-215050) is a quinoline-3-carboxamide linomide analogue with antiangiogenic and potential antineoplastic activities. ;IC50 Value:;Target: HDAC;Tasquinimod has been shown to decrease blood vessel density but the exact mechanism of action is not known. Tasquinimod has anti-angiogenic, antitumor and immune-modulatory properties.